[REJURAN] Rejuran S 1ml x 1 syringe 麗珠蘭頂級水光針 (藍盒)

零售價錢 $1,480.00$14,800.00

Rejuran S 💙 是一種專門的皮膚促進劑,專門針對和減少痤瘡疤痕的出現而設計。名字中的“S”代表“疤痕”,表明它專注於疤痕填充。憑藉其粘性凝膠結構,Rejuran S 甚至可以有效解決頑固傷口和痤瘡疤痕。 Rejuran S 中的活性成分是多核苷酸 (PN),它在促進膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白的產生中發揮著至關重要的作用。這種直接的皮膚癒合作用有助於改善痤瘡疤痕的外觀並支持整體減少疤痕。

🚫 治療後避免曬太陽 🚫不能使用含有維他命A & C的產品最少5
🚫 治療後最少兩星期可進行激光療程
🚫 期間不要同時使用 去角質產品、亦應避免用含有酒精成分或酸類產品
🚫 一星期內切勿激烈運動、焗桑拿、汗蒸、禁食辛辣海鮮刺激性食物
🚫 避開敏感時使用注入
✔️ 日常潔面使用溫和清潔劑產品,不會對皮膚造成過度刺激或壓力
✔️ 期間塗抹足量的防曬霜和保濕霜保護

# 建議微針導入使用或帶到您心宜的美容院 & 醫美中心作注入服務~  # 成分:2% PN 聚核苷酸鈉  # 儲存:在室溫(1~22℃)以下儲存,避免直射陽光。

# 使用周期建議 ; 兩或四周一次/ 完成三或六次護理後 可維持三或六個月一次護理 , 視個別身體狀況可待12-18個月後重新再護理維持美肌。 ( 需要預訂 )

容量 1 ml x 1 vial
配送費 適用中國 / 香港/澳門
配送方式 快遞
如果您購物此產品,您將會獲得 1480-14800 積分 ,價值 $74.00-$740.00!
如果您購物此產品,您將會獲得 1480-14800 積分 ,價值 $74.00-$740.00!

Rejuran S is a specialized skin booster designed to specifically target and reduce the appearance of acne scarring. The “S” in its name represents “scar,” indicating its focus on scar filling. With its viscous gel structure, Rejuran S effectively addresses even stubborn wounds and acne scars. The active component in Rejuran S is polynucleotide (PN), which plays a crucial role in promoting collagen and elastin production. This direct skin-healing effect helps to improve the appearance of acne scars and supports overall scar reduction.

Main Efficiencies :

Rejuran is a series of skin boosters that utilize salmon-derived polynucleotide (PDRN) as their key component. PDRN promotes the regeneration of all layers of the epidermis and dermis by stimulating collagen and elastin production, as well as contributing to the restoration of the extracellular matrix. Additionally, PDRN promotes fibroblast proliferation, leading to increased skin regeneration. Rejuran products have obtained FDA approval and CE certification, ensuring their safety and compliance with regulatory standards. They are specifically formulated for fast and long-lasting skin rejuvenation and hydration.

Rejuran, a skin booster series, has several key strengths:

  • Regulatory Approval: Rejuran has received FDA and CE certification, indicating it has been rigorously evaluated for safety and quality.
  • Faster Healing: Compared to products using hyaluronic acid (HA) alone, Rejuran promotes faster tissue regeneration and more effective wound and scar healing.
  • Increased Skin Thickness: Clinical studies have shown that using Rejuran leads to a measurable increase in skin thickness, resulting in a fuller and more youthful look.
  • Enhanced Skin Elasticity: Rejuran doubles the improvement in skin elasticity compared to HA-based products, leading to improved skin firmness and resilience.
  • Lasting Aesthetic Effects: Rejuran delivers long-lasting aesthetic benefits, providing sustained enhancements in skin appearance and youthfulness.

Application Areas:

Rejuran S has a specific scope of applications, which includes:

  • Healing of deep acne scars, wounds, and other skin imperfections: Rejuran S is particularly effective in addressing deep acne scars, wounds, and various skin imperfections. Its formulation promotes healing and regeneration of the skin, resulting in improved texture and diminished appearance of scars.
  • Evening of the skin texture: Rejuran S can help in evening out the skin texture by reducing the visibility of uneven skin surfaces and promoting a smoother overall appearance.
  • By targeting these specific concerns, Rejuran S aims to provide effective healing and improvement in the texture of the skin.

Main Ingredients: Long-chain polymeric nucleotides derived from salmon DNA

Packing Units : 1 ml x 1 syringe

Made in Korea 🇰🇷


1盒, 10盒送1盒



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