[REJURAN] Rejuran I 1ml x 1 syringe 麗珠蘭頂級水光針 (白盒)

零售價錢 $1,480.00$14,800.00

Rejuran I 🤍 是一款專門針對嬌嫩的眼下及周圍區域配製的皮膚促進劑。其液體質地最大限度地降低了結塊的風險,使其非常適合注射到皮膚薄的區域。透過在這些部位使用 Rejuran I,肌膚會顯得更健康、更豐盈。此外,它還可以改善皮膚彈性,同時促進膚色和紋理更加均勻,從而使整體外觀煥發活力。

🚫 治療後避免曬太陽 🚫不能使用含有維他命A & C的產品最少5
🚫 治療後最少兩星期可進行激光療程
🚫 期間不要同時使用 去角質產品、亦應避免用含有酒精成分或酸類產品
🚫 一星期內切勿激烈運動、焗桑拿、汗蒸、禁食辛辣海鮮刺激性食物
🚫 避開敏感時使用注入
✔️ 日常潔面使用溫和清潔劑產品,不會對皮膚造成過度刺激或壓力
✔️ 期間塗抹足量的防曬霜和保濕霜保護

# 建議超聲波導入使用或帶到您心宜的美容院 & 醫美中心作注入服務~  # 成分:2% PN 聚核苷酸鈉  # 儲存:在室溫(1~22℃)以下儲存,避免直射陽光。

# 每位人仕健康狀況不同個別效果或有差異。 (如病患人士請先向您的醫生查詢)

# 使用周期建議 ; 兩或四周一次/ 完成三或六次護理後 可維持三或六個月一次護理 , 視個別身體狀況可待12-18個月後重新再護理維持美肌。(需要預訂 )

容量 1 ml x 1 vial
配送費 適用中國 / 香港/澳門
配送方式 快遞
如果您購物此產品,您將會獲得 1480-14800 積分 ,價值 $74.00-$740.00!
如果您購物此產品,您將會獲得 1480-14800 積分 ,價值 $74.00-$740.00!

Rejuran I is a specialized skin booster formulated specifically for the delicate under-eye and surrounding areas. Its liquid texture minimizes the risk of lumping, making it well-suited for injection into regions with thin skin. By utilizing Rejuran I in these areas, the skin appears healthier and more volumized. Additionally, it improves skin elasticity while promoting a more even tone and texture, resulting in an overall rejuvenated appearance.

Main Efficiencies :

  • Rejuran I is an FDA-approved and CE-certified product, ensuring its safety and compliance with regulatory standards.
  • Compared to products that solely contain hyaluronic acid (HA) as an active component, Rejuran I offers faster tissue regeneration and wound/scar healing.
  • Clinical studies have demonstrated a proven increase in the skin’s thickness and brightness after using Rejuran I.
  • In comparison to products solely based on HA, Rejuran I exhibits a 2-fold enhancement in skin elasticity.
  • Additionally, Rejuran I delivers long-lasting aesthetic effects, contributing to sustained improvements in the skin’s appearance and overall youthfulness.

Application Areas:

Rejuran I is designed to address various concerns in the delicate under-eye area and surrounding regions. It offers the following benefits:

  • Reduction of dark under-eye circles and swelling (under-eye bags)
  • Treatment of early signs of aging in the periorbital area, such as crow’s feet and fine lines
  • Restoration of thinned skin after cosmetic procedures
  • Moisturization of dry and dehydrated skin
  • By utilizing Rejuran I, these concerns can be effectively targeted and improved, resulting in a more refreshed and rejuvenated appearance.

Main Ingredients: Long-chain polymeric nucleotides derived from salmon DNA

Packing Units : 1 ml x 1 syringe

Made in Korea 🇰🇷


1盒, 10盒送1盒



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