[REJURAN] Rejuran Healer Black 2ml x 2 syringes 麗珠蘭頂級水光針 (黑盒) (韓國醫院新版本)

零售價錢 $2,800.00$56,000.00

Rejuran 麗珠蘭🖤 是目前最為全能全面的新款🤍 任何膚質通用、尤其適合屏障受損、反復發痘、毛孔粗大、瑕疵的問題。以聚核苷酸(PN / Polynucleotide)為主要成分的皮膚治療產品。這些聚核苷酸來自於鮭魚的DNA,經過高度純化和精製,具有良好的生物相容性和安全性,能夠再生皮膚組織,從而使皮膚變得更厚、更有彈性,並減少皺紋,使皮膚恢復年輕狀態。由於 Rejuran 能夠促進皮膚細胞的自我再生,因此在治療痤瘡疤痕和收緊毛孔方面非常有效。它還以提升膚色亮度和改善皮膚質地光滑度而聞名。

# 成分:2% PN 聚核苷酸鈉  # 儲存:在室溫(1~26℃)以下儲存,避免直射陽光。

🚫 治療後避免曬太陽 🚫不能使用含有維他命A & C的產品最少5
🚫 治療後最少兩星期可進行激光療程
🚫 期間不要同時使用 去角質產品、亦應避免用含有酒精成分或酸類產品
🚫 一星期內切勿激烈運動、焗桑拿、汗蒸、禁食辛辣海鮮刺激性食物
🚫 避開敏感時使用注入
✔️ 日常潔面使用溫和清潔劑產品,不會對皮膚造成過度刺激或壓力
✔️ 期間塗抹足量的防曬霜和保濕霜保護
  每位人仕健康狀況不同個別效果或有差異。 (如病患人士請先向您的醫生查詢)

# 建議微針導入使用或帶到您心宜的美容院 & 醫美中心作注入服務~ 

# 使用周期建議 ; 兩或四周一次/ 完成三或六次護理後 可維持三或六個月一次護理 , 視個別身體狀況可待12-18個月後重新再護理維持美肌。( 新貨發售 – 韓國醫院新版本 ) 🖤​ 凡成功加入七折優惠​活動即送REJURAN®黑盒1件 { 詳情查閱購物車內文 }

容量 2 ml x 2 vials
配送費 適用中國 / 香港/ 澳門
配送方式 快遞
如果您購物此產品,您將會獲得 2800-56000 積分 ,價值 $140.00-$2,800.00!
如果您購物此產品,您將會獲得 2800-56000 積分 ,價值 $140.00-$2,800.00!

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200ml / 1樽 ; 貨號 : DL013

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Product price: $2,800.00
Total options:
Order total:

Rejuran Healer Black is a dermal booster specifically designed to promote collagen secretion and rejuvenate the skin. Its purpose is to address a wide range of folds and wrinkles, combat unwanted skin pigmentation, and improve the thickness and hydration of the skin. The active component in Rejuran is polynucleotide (PDRN), which plays a key role in stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. This leads to a direct regenerative effect on the skin, resulting in improved texture, elasticity, and overall rejuvenation.

Main Efficiencies :

Rejuran is a series of skin boosters that utilize salmon-derived polynucleotide (PDRN) as their key component. PDRN promotes the regeneration of all layers of the epidermis and dermis by stimulating collagen and elastin production and contributing to the restoration of the extracellular matrix. Additionally, PDRN promotes DNA repair and synthesis, resulting in faster tissue regeneration and healing. Rejuran products have obtained FDA approval and EC certification, ensuring their safety and compliance with regulatory standards. They are specifically formulated for long-term skin rejuvenation and hydration.

Rejuran, a skin booster series, offers several significant advantages:

  • Rapid Tissue Regeneration and Healing: Rejuran supports quicker tissue regeneration and aids in wound and scar healing more efficiently compared to products with hyaluronic acid (HA) as the sole active ingredient.
  • Clinically Verified Increase in Skin Thickness: Clinical studies prove that Rejuran leads to a significant increase in skin thickness, contributing to a plumper and more youthful appearance.
  • Doubled Skin Elasticity: Compared to HA-based products, Rejuran delivers a 2-fold improvement in skin elasticity, enhancing skin firmness and resilience.
  • Long-Lasting Effects: Rejuran offers long-term benefits, ensuring sustained skin improvement over time.
  • Volumization Effect: Rejuran’s unique 3-D polymeric structure offers a volumizing effect, helping to restore and improve facial volume.
  • Minimal Restoration Time: Post-procedure downtime with Rejuran is minimal, making the treatment more convenient for patients.
  • High Biocompatibility: The high biocompatibility of Rejuran’s composition ensures a lower risk of adverse reactions, making it suitable for a broad demographic.

Application Areas:

Rejuran is versatile in its applications, addressing a wide array of skin concerns:

  • Treating Dark Skin Discoloration: Effective for conditions like melasma and rosacea, Rejuran improves skin discoloration and promotes a more even skin tone.
  • Pore Narrowing: It can minimize the appearance of enlarged pores, yielding a smoother, more refined skin texture.
  • Wrinkle Filling: Rejuran can fill in fine lines and wrinkles, thereby reducing their visibility and enhancing skin smoothness.
  • Treating Atrophic Scars: It can improve the appearance and texture of atrophic scars, including acne scars.
  • Correcting Gravitational Ptosis: Rejuran counteracts the effects of gravity on the skin, reducing sagging and imparting a lifted, youthful appearance.
  • Moisturizing Dry and Dehydrated Skin: Providing deep hydration to dry and dehydrated skin, Rejuran restores moisture balance and boosts skin health.

Main Ingredients: Polyneucleotide (Salmon DNA)

CERTIFICATIONS:-  *KFDA (Korea)  *CFDA (China)  *HSA (Singapore)  *GMP

Packing Units : 2 ml x 2 syringes

Made in Korea 🇰🇷


1盒, 10盒送1盒, 20盒送4盒



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